2021 TTASV Go-to-US market program

We are beyond excited to announce that our GO-to-US Market program is here!! To help you launch your startup project and enter the U.S. market, we would like to introduce you to these two wonderful programs sponsored by TTA Silicon Valley:

1. Silicon Valley Soft Landing (6 months)

We are looking for 20 start-ups ready to launch in Silicon Valley, and we will provide you with:

*Free co-working space in Silicon Valley

*Free consultation hours with US lawyers and accountants

*U.S. mailing address

2. Silicon Valley Virtual 1:1 Mentorship (3 months)

We are looking for 10 high-potential start-ups, and we will provide you with:

*Weekly 1:1 mentorship hours with Silicon Valley entrepreneurs

*Opportunities to participate in top accelerator programs such as Alchemist and SkyDeck

*Additional mentorship opportunities with 500 Startups and Life Science Angels

*Networking opportunities through TTA Silicon Valley

* Other entrepreneurship events in Silicon Valley

We are looking for highly motivated entrepreneurs like yourself. If you are interested, please Enroll Here(Please enroll before 7/31)
